Seasonal Letterpress Posters

$ 22.00

The Seasonal Fruit and Veggie poster provides a detailed list of the fruits and vegetables that are in season each month according to local farmers and seasonal harvest guides based in the Bay Area, and California's West Coast. 

The North Pacific Whale poster is YAC’s first Migration Poster.  Featuring 8 whale species that migrate from Alaska to Mexico and back on an annual path of travel along the West Coast, through the Pacific waters.  We are indebted to several whale experts and scientists at NOAA who helped us vet the data, text and visual mapping. All species are drawn to scale and includes average length, weight, scientific name, threatened status as of 2018 and fun fact or two.  

Foil-pressed 13 x 19 kitchen poster on .035 natural recycled chipboard with three foil colors: clear, white and gold.  Printed on a 50-year-old Kluge press by The Ligature in Berkeley, CA.